Sunday, February 14, 2010

Birthday Candles Singapore Which Restaurants In Singapore Offer Birthday Service Such As Bring Out The Cake With Candles Lit After Dinner

Which restaurants in singapore offer birthday service such as bring out the cake with candles lit after dinner - birthday candles singapore

What restaurants in the services sector in Singapore, offered as the behavior of their anniversary, birthday cake with lighted candles after dinner? If you make a birthday song for me, not me. I want to surprise my friend for her birthday. =)


  1. You can try to Secret Garden. You can order something special and try to do it for you. The reservation must be done.

  2. Dude .. Most restaurants have this service ... u all need to do is to ask ... Help .. If the restaurant sells cakes, it is better to buy from there .. Since some of them offer this service when you buy your cake (cheap) ... = D

  3. Tip: Conrad Hotel, Restaurant Oscar. I celebrated my birthday last year with my best friend think and what? He prepared a birthday cake, plus a little bear to our table. He comes to his staff sang the birthday song for me.

    It was really a pleasant surprise! :)

  4. most restaurants do, go for .........

  5. Fish & Co provide the cake and singing thing ....

    But most restaurants are not the cake with candles after dinner on request.
    To increase your chances of success, the end of the stick.
